Well, today he was really hammering us with more questions. Eventually he decided that evolution doesn't make sense because why would there still be animals on earth that we evolved from (we gave him a simplistic overview of evolution because literally we have no time to really get into it because he has the flu and we are like, busy taking care of the kids.LOL) and then when we told him that some people (like many members of his extended family) believe that God created the earth, he said that doesn't make sense because how exactly could that happen. Then he told me God is an imaginary man that supposedly makes everything that they talk about at church. Basically I ended up saying, "Look, babe, no one knows about the origins of life, we just don't." He's not happy about this.
He turns four in a few weeks. I feel like I am living with a teenager.

Last edited by GGG; 02/07/15 10:09 PM.