Thanks for all of the feedback. I think I'll end up retesting on either IQ or achievement but will submit with what I have. BTW - the overall academic applications was >99.9 and scores were in the 140-189 range so even if just writing a name earned 121, it should take a bit more to get to 140. The achievement subs were as follows:
letter-word ID, spelling, applied problems, writing samples, and passage comprehension.
Do you think they'd accept these along with current EOG test scores that are one grade advanced? He goes to a school with curriculum that is normed one grade ahead so in 1st, he took the EOG for 2nd.
Also, if I submit all of this, would they out right reject (he meets qualifying scores in both IQ and achievement although the achievement scores are not clustered), conditionally deny and ask for more tests or conditionally accept and ask for more tests?

Last edited by momx2; 07/25/08 03:15 PM.