I haven't seen a lot of consistent information about about the impacts of dyslexia on areas beyond phonological processing. I think perhaps dyslexia so often co-exists with other challenges that accompanying issues can be mixed up with related ones. I for one would very much like to know if there are different needs or approaches we should be taking to math with our DD.

The Eides certainly believe there are rote memory/ retrieval issues associated with stealth dyslexia, and point to a recent article on challenges in math. The Yale centre also has some work around mathematical thinking, though what I've seen so far seems a little ad hoc compared to their reading research. As a final thought, there's some interesting, tentative research suggesting dyslexia may cause visual tracking issues (note: not be caused by!) - which I could certainly see affecting chess performance if true.

It's always said that the hallmark of an LD is inconsistent performance. Some days the stars align, and they can bring all sorts of compensatory mechanisms into play and successfully work around the LD. Other days, they just can't quite pull it off, and instead work to their "normal" level as dictated by their LD. I personally think this goes double for 2E, as their compensatory mechanisms can be so impressive we can easily take for granted that they are working at a "natural level", not one achieved by superhuman effort in using their strengths to bypass their weaknesses.

Eides: http://blog.dyslexicadvantage.org/2015/03/10/students-with-dyslexia-solve-math-differently/

Evans on math: http://www.researchgate.net/publica..._in_children_with_developmental_dyslexia

Yale: http://dyslexia.yale.edu/math.html