I'd also suggest having a full IQ test - not just for understanding his IQ and what happened with the K-BIT, but because there was a discrepancy in his WPPSI scores (higher non-verbal than verbal). This compared to what you are seeing as complacency in early elementary school *might* be an indication of a potential LD. Even if not, it's very helpful to have an understanding of where strengths and weaknesses are, as well as it will give you a better and more reliable understanding of what his true IQ is.

FWIW, I wouldn't worry too much about an IQ being in the 120s - I know quite a few kids with IQs that aren't sky-rocket-high who are still incredibly successful in school and in good careers.

Last thought - one of my dds had a similar drop in IQ scores from WPSSI to later WISC testing. In her case, vision challenges played a huge part - she couldn't see well at all, but it didn't matter on the WPSSI due to the manner in which it was administered, testing conditions etc plus her vision issues might not have been as significant at the time she took the WPSSI. (note - it's not quite as straightforward as it may sound here - the correlation of vision vs scores - but I've got to leave to shuttle kids around - will explain more later).


Last edited by polarbear; 03/09/15 12:43 PM.