aeh and others given you some great advice. I think rapport with the tester is key. We chose our tester from the Hoagie's list, based upon other parents' reports of rapport with children, and the tester was AMAZING: My DC have very, very different personalities, and they both enjoyed the testing experience.

DD9 had a 9C profile on the CoGAT, strongest in verbal, next in non-verbal, relative weakness in quantitative. Her composite was 99% for age and grade. She did extremely well on the WISC IV, and it mirrored the CoGAT. Like the CoGAT verbal, DD was VERY strong on the VCI portion of the WISC.

I will mention that although I was told WIAT is child-friendly, we did have problems with the ceilings, even though DS was 6 when he took it. In retrospect, perhaps we should have used another test like the WJ, which has higher ceilings.

Best wishes to you and your DD!