Thanks! She took the CoGAT and ITBS in school this fall. We just got the results and she was 99th percentile in CoGAT both age and grade and 99th percentile for ITBS. Her CoGAT profile is 9B. We are very relieved as she was approved for a great local self-contained program in our county. I'm still getting my head around it all, but believe she would also greatly benefit from the connections made available by DYS if she qualifies (nothing at our local schools is accepted). I would also like to better understand how gifted she really is in terms of her strengths and weaknesses (would not care about overall numbers period - wish they were not used, but understand why they are necessary.

I found a local University that will do fairly affordable testing for IQ and Achievement as required by DYS. I plan to do NO test prep for whatever tests we decide on (...with the possible exception of very few sample questions given on their official sites to make her more comfortable/less stress... her school gave them Riverside practice questions prior to CoGAT). However, I do want to select the best test for her and to get the best overall information for me. I was going with SB because of the high ceiling, then I read mixed reviews on the accuracy of results for version 5. So... I'm just processing, trying to get this stuff straight in my head... and trying not to stress out my daughter (it is really just the type of timed things done with visual blasts that can make her melt down... like Moby Max timed math).

Just looking for any input on how to get accurate results.

Thanks again!