Thank you, aeh. I was hoping you'd chime in. I will look at the recommended resources board but what I was really hoping for was to start a dialogue with the school about giving him more appropriate material in class. My fear is that, if I keep accelerating him at home, he will get more and more bored at school. Languages are not a problem, they have been customizing his learning from the beginning of KG very successfully. Hence my hope that they would do the same in math. Currently he does more advanced math with 3 other students but it's not engaging him. I was hoping something in the scores would give me a starting point in the dialogue.

We are looking to do the full WIATT-III for admission to the DYS program soon. I'm afraid it will show little improvement in numerical operations (a lower SS?) but I guess that would make my point for me, right?

Sorry, I'm rambling smile Thanks again.

Last edited by lmb123; 03/07/15 05:44 PM.