On this list people often share the quote "when you've seen one gifted kid... you've seen one gifted kid." Well when you've seen one school... you've seen one school -- public or private.

Private schools can have more options and services -- or not, as some wealthy districts have amazing public schools. Public schools have to take everyone... but that can be good or bad depending on the everyone's they take. Private schools have more flexibility... which they can take advantage of or not or use to create a different kind of conformity. Public schools are bound by bureaucracy, except when they aren't because teachers and principals want to make a difference. Public schools have poor apathetic kids who don't care about their education (sometimes). Private schools have rich apathetic kids who don't care about their education (sometimes). Private schools cost a zillion dollars, except for the ones that cost less. And public schools can cost a surprising amount if you includes outside enrichment, after schooling, fundraising for the school, or -- above all -- the million dollar home you had to buy to get into the good school. Compare that to private school tuition.

I'm normally down on public school because we had a hard time making it work for us in this district. But that doesn't mean every school in the district is bad (because it's not like we can just pick and choose from all of them). And I've spoken to the two top secular private schools in town and while they sound great and do great with the kids I know who go there, they would definitely not be OK for my kid.

Schools are different. Sure I wish less of them kind of sucked. And I wish there was less disparity between them. But they are still all individual, and made up of individuals.

In the end, it comes down to the people. Whether people "get" high levels of giftedness or not. Some people do. Some people don't but could with some education. And some people just won't. And that's a more fundamental issue than school choice.