Originally Posted by TripleB
Funny, local pet stores sell plenty of supplies for turtles, but it's illegal to purchase turtles in my state (NC). So I could purchase all the supplies I would need but would have to travel to SC to buy the turtle itself.

My wife has never been attacked or bit (although I have) by a dog but she's always been afraid of them. She caved in when my daughter was about 6 (12 years ago) and we got a dog. Unfortunately my daughter didn't help to take care of the dog so we gave the dog to my sister after about 4 years. Therefore, I don't believe we can go down the dog route again.

Nobody has mentioned two that seemed to be recommended a good deal: a rat (although I'd say my wife would be completely against it anyway just because of what it is) and a lizard (leopard gecko or bearded dragon). Anyone had experience with either?

Thanks for everyone's input so far.

I personally have not had rats. I have two cats and don't imagine rats would live for long in my house. But one of my BF's kept rats for a number of years. They don't live that long, only a few years. And it's easy for a kid to learn to care for them on their own. Plus they are fun to play with and quite intelligent. They kept several while her kids were 10 till ~16. My friend wanted a pet that wouldn't still be around when her kids went off to college so she could travel without worry.

But turns out my own daughter was allergic to their rats. Came home with hives after playing with them once. If you have someone allergic to cats who frequents your house, I might not introduce them to a rat.

Did you know there are certain breeds of cats that don't cause allergic reactions. I am slightly allergic to cats even though i live with them. I had a Siamese growing up and I never reacted to him ever but I do to different breeds. Might want to check that out if the allergy reason is the only thing keeping you from a cat. I have a personal preference for cats, they are overall easy to care for, are fun to play with and good for snuggling.