Your DD's Verbal score is already quite high but if you think that it may jump about 50 points by March, then it may be worth it to take the SAT again in order to qualify for SET (JHU's Study of Exceptional Talent). Basically, you need at least 700 before your 13th birthday or an additional 10 points per month after your 13th birthday.

While it may be possible to transfer your DD's SAT scores to other talent searches to access their courses, she cannot qualify for the awards ceremony or possible scholarships of that specific talent search unless she takes the SAT through them. I know that in the past CTY has provided a one-course scholarship to a local university for very high performers although you don't specifically apply for it and they don't appear to advertise it. I don't recall the actual cut-off but I think that 700 for a 7th grader would qualify. If your DD has interest in math/science course, she may also need to retake the SAT to get a higher Math score in order to qualify to take math/science courses through some of these talent searches with a higher qualification cut-off.