Originally Posted by mecreature
Originally Posted by Tallulah
Originally Posted by Flyingmouse
I'd push him to play with blocks instead of an app if that is possible. smile

Yeah, me too. I think very highly of minecraft, but the real world skills are more important. Is he bored with lego or frustrated? There are lots of great building toys, goldie blox, tinker toys, knex.

And as for a Phoenix area preschool using minecraft, run run far away! What sort of preschool is so unskilled that they resort to computer games and TV to entertain the kids!

I agree 100%.
every preschool I visited for DD uses apps - app they are real world skills these days, go figure. Her primary school feels the same way.

We use starfall btw I won't show her minecraft yet - I keep hearing how kids soooo into it, I can't be bothered with the battle.