Originally Posted by GGG
Ok I checked it out. First of all, there is something cathartic about watching these families. I'm thinking, wow, it's like I'm watching my son. I laughed-hard. The kids are adorable.

But....why can't MENSA do a documentary about G-kids doing something like contests where they have two teams that come up with solutions to major world problems?
That would be interesting. Or inventions?

Interview the parents differently, instead of the same ol'questions like, "so, you have a genius child, where do you think this came from?"

Or just leave the child alone to be kids, not freak shows.

Sorry, but I have very strong opinions about this. We have heard time and again about the damaging effects of the child prodigy industry. I was just reading a piece by an ex child actor, Mara Wilson about how bad it is for most kids.


Last edited by Tallulah; 02/08/15 06:17 AM.