Originally Posted by bluemagic
I would also agree with Kai. If you daughter doesn't like this therapist, then she isn't a good fit for your DD10. If you think you DD needs to see someone at this time then you probably need to find someone new for her. No reason to change for the other daughter. Choosing therapists can be complicated & personal, and just because you like her doesn't mean she is a good fit.

Don't have a lot of good idea's about the ADHD but I agree that there is no reason to PUSH the label. Are you trying to get her to take meds or do other strategies and she is resisting?

Good Luck.
A couple of things have happened that caused me to bring up "ADHD" to her. First, she KNOWS something is up. Her big sister is the most highly organized person on the planet, and it has become plain to DD9 that something is going on with her. She yells about how DD10 can do this and do that, and that she, DD9, cannot (organizational stuff). I was discussing a book character who has dyslexia and ADHD, and after I explained about ADHD, DD9 piped up that she probably had it as well. DD is also a science fiend so I figured that she might like to read about the topic. Our family has encountered numerous health issues, and we discuss them matter of factly. It just didn't go so well this time.
Oh, and I asked today about the difference between this therapist and one we had before. Both girls liked the previous one better because she liked to play games with them, and this woman talks more than plays. When I think about finding another therapist I get a sinking feeling. This psych. specializes in ADHD, takes our insurance, is a nice woman who only works with kids, successfully helped us with the school, and has some knowledge about giftedness (a bit, admittedly).It took me forever to find her!! We cannot afford to go out of pocket. I am very very aware of finding the right "fit" for a therapist. DD doesn't want to "tell her business" to me either. I am just very patient about pulling info out of her. It's a very difficult process!!!!! Big big sigh coming from me. DD10 can't wait to tell me all her hopes, fears, woes. DD9 just holds it all tight.