I'd be interested in the responses. My DS6 is in K and has 100% Mastery on their assessments, but there have been other issues. He won't do worksheets, won't recite what he read, won't show he understands or is able to predict events, etc. At home, he does all of these types of things all the time.

What I've run into is they have to go by the assessment. So even when the teacher says, " I can speak to him more rationally because he's smart enough to understand what I'm saying," she also says, he's not comprehending what he's reading. Even thought he finishes his work way before everyone else and gets in trouble for answering all the questions all the time, he's not showing his ability on this one assessment. Heck, I even questioned why she had him marked as "remedial" in counting to 100 because he goes way above that and can multiply numbers. She said he wasn't able to do it.

I don't know how we get our kids to show what they know to the teachers. For mine, I think he does in the beginning, but then he says, "forget it. I'm not doing that anymore. It's boring."

Basically, I have no advice, but I feel your pain.