Both my half-brother and I (same dad) are MG. My paternal uncle also has two academically gifted children and my paternal aunt has two academically average but artistically gifted children.

My maternal grandfather could make a house out of a toothpick and a piece of string cheese. Academics were not his thing but he can think up anything in his mind and then build it. He drew his own house plans and executed them with only a high school education. His sister was an award winning artist.

Hubby's parents seem above average and they produced DH (PG), middle BIL (no idea on this one) and younger BIL who is a successful professional musician.

I'll be interested to see what DS is like as he grows up. DH can sneeze and learn a new language and DS is extremely verbal at his young age. DH's PhD is in humanities and mine is in STEM so maybe eventually we can tell who's brain contributed what to DS.