Originally Posted by ultramarina
I don't know, though--all due respect, but I read everyone's suggestions and think "But we do that." Oh, and we do. Over and over. Sometimes it does work. Other times, I feel like we're just pushing the ball along to another spot. So, we may get through the toothbrushing thing with that type of exchange, but now she's mad because she "lost."

I do understand where you are coming from. Completely. DD is NOT our only child, or our only very bright child, for that matter (I have 2 DYS). But DD has ALWAYS had an intensity about her that just makes her DIFFERENT. She is absolutely wired differently. Also, DH and I are NOT afraid to discipline her - in reality, DD has had more "discipline" than DS ever needed. If DS was my only, I would truly believe that DH and I were parenting geniuses, because he is just so much easier to parent (we love the both the same, of course!). DD is the child that none of the parenting manuals really work on - we had to toss most of the aside long ago and figure things out on our own.