Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
I'd more trust the spiked results and find the overall results suspect.

With known perfectionism, I wonder if he answered the tester with frequent "I don't knows" which internally translated to "I'm only 98.32% confident in my answer."

IQ tests require a certain number of failures to discontinue a section, which is a nasty trap if someone tends to clam up once their confidence is undermined.

When my eight year gets into that kind of mindset, I have to ask very soft, open-ended probing questions. Like, "are you familiar with different meanings for the word 'contains'" vs. "What is the meaning of 'contains'?"

Obviously, I don't know if that is what you are facing.

You are right. Ds does clam up & becomes anxious if he thinks he cant do it. This leads to him not being able to do it! However he can do things well when there is no pressure