Originally Posted by lollymum
What does this mean! He has needs but no one can diagnose him with anything.

What type of needs? Can you tell us a bit more about the types of things he struggles with (if there are things he struggles with).

Although not quite as large of a discrepancy, my dyslexic dd's strongest score (and it's super-strong) is working memory. Yet she has a challenge (and relatively low score on a different type of memory, measured on the WJ-III Cognitive - associative memory). She also has scores that bounce around all over the place on ability and achievement tests - and the best we've been able to figure out from the uneven scores that don't seem to mesh to mean anything is that the lower scores are tied to difficulty understanding the questions related back to her challenges with reading. For instance, she's very *very* good at math but doesn't test well on standardized tests. When she's doing math homework and has a question - 9 times out of 10 the question is due to not comprehending what the problem has asked, not a lack of understanding the math. That might not sound like it makes sense... unless you're parenting a child who struggles with reading wink

Best wishes,
