Thank you for your replies!

No, he does not know any of the girls. He doesn't even know their names. Two of them transferred into the district this year. He just seems so full of judgement and intolerance for anyone that is not like him, because you know, he's perfect! Lol He loves to debate why his views are superior and tends to look down at everyone else's views. He has huge moral sensitivities and thinks way beyond what everyone else sees, which causes him great inner turmoil. My husband and I saw a side to him last night that surprised us. DS was so full of anger and sadness, that people would actually choose to make poor or different choices than he would. I agree that there appears to be a lot of "idiots" where we live, but aren't there everywhere? Part of life is that you need to learn to deal with all types of people, and DS doesn't seem to be dealing with that very well. I feel like he's going to burst at school, screaming how "stupid" everyone is. Normal gifted teenager woes??? Books or other resources??? Thanks again