Originally Posted by bluemagic
Are they going to continue to offer AP Calculus BC for the top level kids? If so the kids will get to the same place in the end. Most places I know ones takes AB or BC calc, not one then the other. And that is how the AP system sells the class. I was surprised to see the current Calculus sequence. The question is it enough for your kids? Will these TAG classes really be more difficult. My son would be happier if the classes he was taking had more proofs in them and did more abstract math.

Even though it doesn't say anywhere in the document about Common Core, if you are in the US I suspect that is what is driving this. Is this a public school?

I hope that AP Cal BC is still on the table. They are still offering it this schoolyear but who knows what happen next year. My DD13, 8th grader, is doing Geometry and she will be in that TAG track. DD10, 6th grader, is doing Algebra I now and she will hit that AP Cal BC in 11th grade anyway and she will have to do dual enrollment or something else.

Yes. It is a public school. The kids hope to get as many college credits in HS so that we don't have to spend much on their college tuition (they would like to have a new car instead) grin