Used to be in our district...

Standard Path: 6th grade math, 7th grade math, 8th grade math ( consisting of pre-algebra), 9th grade algebra, 10th grade geometry, then continue on with math in a college prep direction (algebra II, Pre-calc) or continue on with math in alternate classes or continue on in math trying to redo the required algebra and geometry which is required to graduate (so trying to pass EOCs)

More of an Honors path: 6th grade honors math, 7th grade honors math (consisting of pre-algebra), 8th algebra, 9th geometry and then continue on in a college prep direction

Those used to be only choices and if you wanted to go beyond that you needed to take a class online to get ahead. And there was nothing slower (so no pre-algebra in 9th grade...all 9th graders have to be in at least algebra)

Now there is an additional path (just in time for my younger son):
6th grade: 6th grade math and pre-algebra together, 7th grade: algebra, 8th grade geometry and 9th grade continue on in college prep direction.