Excellent advice above. I have a DS8 with a similar profile in public school. On one side he is frustrated by his challenges. His writing is slooooow and at times it is really hard to keep up to the class. On the other side he craves more of a challenge than what the curriculum gives him. They supposedly differentiate but honestly it isn't even close to being enough. We end up doing stuff at home to satisfy his curiosity.
Adding to the PP advice, my advice is to be prepared for the school to only focus on the struggles and possibly not even recognize his strengths. Be prepared for grades that often have nothing to do with knowledge. Be prepared to teach him that it is the journey rather than the grade that really matters. Be prepared for him to realize how "out there" he is (in both his strengths and weaknesses).
Reading that it sounds very negative and yet we still do it anyway. In our case while I don't think he's learning any math or science in school he is learning a lot of other things that I personally would have a hard time teaching at home. Of course every kid is different. I do think that the fact that he wants to try it is a good reason to at least try and let him see for himself. Good luck!