My 10 yo dyslexic/dysgraphic son was given the WISC a few months ago, and I had a question or two about the scores. One general question is that he wants to go to school next year after always having been homeschooled. Some days I think it will be great for him, and then I see him struggle with something simple and I worry school will be a disaster. We are applying both to a public gifted magnet and several private schools.

Here are his scores:

VCI 144 99.8
PRI 127 96
WMI 110 75
PSI 88 21
FSIQ 126 96
GAI 143 99.8

Similarities 16
Vocab 18
Comprehension 18

Block Design 13
Pic Concepts 14
Matrix Reason 16

Digit span 13
Letter-Numb 11

Coding 6
Symbol Search 10

I had a specific question about Matrix Reasoning. The tester wrote that "Child's performance on this task fell in the very superior range, and he did not reach the ceiling/cut off criteria on this subtest."

I don't understand that. I thought a ceiling score for any subtest was 19. So how could he ceiling the subtest and get a 16?

I do see these scores in his actual academic performance. On the onw hand, he thinks deeply and has great ideas, but on the other hand, his actual performance on tests is usually in the "pretty good" range. He can also do great at one thing one day, and poorly on something similar the very next day. And he is slooooooow...

Thanks for any thoughts.

Last edited by gabalyn; 11/19/14 05:42 AM.