High School Math 1 is part of the new Common Core curriculum. I learned the details of this myself this past week. Math 1, Math 2, Math 3 covers the same topics as Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II but in a more "integrated" way. Common Core allows states/school districts to choose one path or the other. Most states are moving towards adopting these new standards.

Math 1 does not start at the beginning of what used to be an Algebra course. It expects a students has taken Grade 8 Common Core, and that class includes basic Algebra, factoring & solving two equations and two unknowns as well as what used to be the beginning of Geometry. A compacted Grade 8/Math 1 course would be probably trying to do the second half of Grade 8, 1/2 of the Algebra I course, and 1/2 of the Geometry course.

This change to Common Core is quite stressful for a lot of students & teachers and I think many junior high kids have turned into guinea pigs in this process. Not good for your child obviously. It's not just your state that is doing this to the kids.