I am finding this discussion fascinating, because I have 2 children with high reasoning scores, but very different index profiles.

FWIW, both are excellent readers. DD is a FAST reader, though. DS could possibly get there when he is her age.

DS often DOES learn by memorizing - and his memory is pretty amazing. Not photographic, but he recalls details DD and I would easily forget. Poor DD seems to have inherited my penchant for devouring concepts, with a poor memory for numerals (yep - the phone numbers; I don't even TRY to remember them and always write them down). Add some letters to the combo and DD and I instantly have a better memory.

DS learns extremely well, but I often call him my "deep thinker." Unlike DD, who always has a quick answer for everything (euphemism intended), DS speaks less often, but many of his observations are profound. I believe he is a slower (although not slow) processor, but with a better memory - I do see this in real life. The WISC measured him this way, too.

In terms of paraphrasing, I was a thespian in high school and I am embarrassed to admit that I often ad libbed, without intending to...which can work to a point...until you get a role in a Shakespearean production and realize that you probably shouldn't be paraphrasing The Bard. wink