hello - just wondering from those who have got globally gifted kids what limits you put on activities. DD4 has just had a mini explosion and we are seeing the "real" stuff now.
So far she does music and gymnastics, plus her regular gifted kindy and playgroup - so that is something 5 days a week ( even though sometimes it's an hour a day) we are now seeing some real skill at drawing (profound)that really should not be ignored, I'm thinking of getting her into a art club of some sort rather than tuition - she doesn't enjoy "being taught". Not sure if we can just leave it? I have issues with a lack of confidence in art stemming from thinking I didn't belong in an artistic community. So I can admit to being a bit overly sensitive to this.

She also has interests in crafting, outdoors etc. So we are
looking at girl guides shortly (she can't join until she is 5). And... she wants to do Tae kwan do, which given her perfectionism and fastidious nature I think would be very good for her.

How much is too much, before I had kids I was always saying "oh you know those parents that run their kids from one activity to the next - they should just slow down, kids don't need it" now I'm eating my words. She isn't passionate about piano but she has natural ability and I want her to keep it up -she does like it.

I'm already getting strange looks and you're a bad parent vibes from people about her current schedule. I know she could handle it because she is bored witless when she's not doing anything. She is not great at entertaining herself, but she is getting better.

How do you choose which activities to pursue, how much to spend, etc. At 4 I'm well aware that she could just as easily do nothing and pick an interest later on without harming her potential, but I think everyone here knows that isn't going to happen. I really don't want to be a taxi driver, and I don't want to feel like DD is my special project to make super human. It's just that well, I think she'd really like more.

She starts school in 6 months, so I would love for her to have a sensible amount of things by then. The thought of home schooling her so she could do her extra curric has definitely popped into my head but my DH thinks that is just about the worst idea he has ever heard, ever.

Anyway I'm probably just needing to put out there what's going on so I can some perspective and realise how first world problem it all is!

Last edited by Mahagogo5; 11/12/14 12:56 PM.