Not a one!
They actually just dropped the thread, but that usually means people don't agree, but don't want to argue. There is also a function where you can Private Message a person and I let her know she could PM me, and she never did.
Another thread happened today when someone mentioned she may need to get her daughter tested for ADD/ADHD. The teacher mentioned the girl was "too smart for her own good" and wouldn't sit still in class. Mind you, we are talking about a 3/4 year old preschooler! She will sit down to read or be read to, but doesn't want to sit when the rest of the class is sitting and listening to the teacher. Hmmmm - does that remind you all of anyone? Maybe every gifted child (or even smart child that is already reading while the teacher over the alphabet).
So, I mentioned that gifted children are often misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD and medication is a very big step for a young child. So, if she were going to have her professionally evaluated for ADD/ADHD, she may want to have her evaluated for giftedness as well.

Let's just say that went over like a ton of bricks! Why are people more comfortable medicating their children than finding out if they may actually be gifted, just in the wrong environment.

However, for full disclosure - I don't feel any child under the age of about 8 years old should be expected to sit down for any extended period of time quietly and listen to the teacher, gifted, ADD/ADHD or "normal/average". So, I often try to sway parents of very young children from having them in a "school like" setting where they are expected to "sit down and be quiet" for any extended period of time. And I quantify extended as anything over 20-30 minutes with less than a 5 minute break before the next "sit down and be quiet" session.