I am so very sorry your poor little guy is having this struggle. The one thing I will say is that you are NOT alone. I had an almost identical conversation with my DS as he cried himself to sleep last night. He said he was "Born to be stupid, mean, angry and bad." He also said he never feels happy and is always bored in school. Sadly - that last sentence is probably pretty accurate right now.

But I tell him I'll teach him anything he wants to learn. That usually perks him up a bit - tonight we're going to talk about powers (exponents in math). That got him out of bed and dressed this morning.

And all the time I just give him tons of unconditional love. I tell him he is NOT stupid, that his brain is amazing, that I love him forever and all the time. Even when he is angry or being "mean."

For what it's worth, I think our kids quickly get conditioned not to complain about what's really bothering them. Teachers don't respond well to "I'm bored." I expect the only response to that is usually essentially "tough luck." And the response to "it's too hard to sit here and listen and be still" is DEFINITELY "tough luck." So I try hard to let DS talk about this stuff without necessarily offering solutions or suggestions that he knows won't really help. I just tell him I understand, I've been there too, and I'm so sorry it's so hard right now.

Also - when I can - I also complain about boredom, irritation, frustration in my day. And then I try to role model letting it go - which I'm not really that good at. But sometimes he even coaches me. "Mom, I think it's time to think about something happy, don't you?" So maybe it's working a little ....

This isn't helpful, since now I'm just venting about the same problem! But I really want you to know you're not alone, and that's why this Davidson resource is so very, very important to us.

Oh and - we aren't yet to the dreaded "show your work" place in school, but I know this will be a monumental obstacle for DS.