I got similar comments about not wanting to be smart when my dd was in second grade. It turned out that the teacher was telling other kids to ask my dd for help. Sometimes it was during reading or writing practice and the teacher would say "Ask (dd) how to spell that. I'm busy." Sometimes it would actually be a more sarcastic comment like "Ask (dd). She's a genius." DD didn't want to spend all of her time answering other kids' questions, she wanted to learn something herself. And the teacher's attitude made her want to go underground with her intelligence. I learned about most of this when dd got the same teacher in third grade and just about gave up. So with that experience, my suggestion is to talk with your ds to see if the teacher is setting up any expectations that he help the other students. I remember how hard it was to hear my dd say that she didn't want to be smart anymore. We are now happily at another school but I still get angry thinking about that teacher!!