We have WTW at our school and I very quickly discovered when DS was in grade one that he could skip all of the weekly homework, save a dry run of the test, and still ace the tests. Prior to making that discovery, we endured misery and meltdowns over the endless, repetitive homework. Every single day there was a task to torment us all. It was quite a relief to ditch the busy work. We're applying the same opting out strategy for DD6, now in grade one.

Do you have to show that you've done the weekly work or is it untracked? We fessed up to skipping steps with DS and the teacher accepted it because he consistently got 100% on the tests. With DD we're just not doing it and no one has checked in (she aces the tests, too).

The program, itself, I think is a good one and I'm sure the repetition is useful for many children. DS enjoyed the grouping phase, but he treated it as a memory game and tried to recreate the original order of the words within their category. I didn't see that as 'spelling', so we pushed to move him up to more challenging words and that was an improvement, but still only required a dry run of the test.