You have received a lot of great responses. In addition, I would suggest speeding up the 504 process. Once the document is completed, the teacher HAS to do what is in it, or the school will be in violation of the law. I'm sure the teacher is busy, but she will have to make time for the accommodations or face repercussions if she doesn't once the 504 is in place.

Of course, as the teacher is on the 504 team, you may face issues as to what you can actually get approved as she might not support your psychologist's recommendations. If you can, I highly recommend taking the psychologist to the 504 meeting. Also, is there a school psychologist? Ours was very helpful during the 504 process (which was for reasons other than ADHD)

We also ran into issues trying to set up meetings with the teacher when the Parent-teacher conference was a month or so away. One time I was able to get the meeting, and the other (different year) I was not. If she really won't meet with you before then, I suggest telling her nicely that you will need more than 15 minutes, and ask her when she would like to do it. Or you could call her (leave a voice mail, and then follow up with an email.) If you don't get a reply, then move on the principal or the 504 coordinator.