I might reconsider your psych's contention that NVLD is not an appropriate Dx. Not everyone with NVLD has difficulty with figurative language, especially with the language strengths with which you present. The core deficit, after all, is not social communication, but perceptual skills. Your profile is consistent with a focal deficit in visual-spatial skills (bd, vp, PSI). The social manifestations of NVLD may occur in social perception, including reading nonverbal cues, body language, facial expressions. Academically, some people with NVLD have challenges or relative weaknesses in mathematics, or specific aspects of mathematics, such as geometry. Often, there is a history of early relative weakness in reading decoding skills or handwriting, followed by acceleration in reading growth rate as decoding is mastered, and reading tasks switch over mainly to language comprehension.

Does any of this resonate?

I would agree with the significant strengths in language and abstract-fluid reasoning. I would add a mild normative weakness/very significant relative weakness in visual-spatial, a normatively-average/significant relative weakness in processing speed, and a normative strength/barely significant relative weakness in working memory. It is possible that the processing speed is a reflection of difficulty with sustained attention, where you have a pre-existing Dx of ADHD. Or it could be, as mentioned above, a manifestation of perceptual weaknesses.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...