BTDT - although in my DS' case, the medical basis was not up for debate or speculation. Anyhow, assuming that the brain functioning issues are due to damage to the brain from his illness/treatment, there is still hope that you will see some improvements over the next few years. Doctors often use the three year window but in my DS' case as well as that of a couple of people we know, there can be observable improvements for a few years beyond that time-frame. By the way, I think that you are absolutely right to wonder about the other reasons. In my experience, they are valid. At least as I was told, that is one reason why a very high IQ is far more impressive in a teenager/adult than in a young child and that IQ numbers are more reliable (from a long term perspective) as the child gets older. Extreme fatigue and high anxiety can certainly lower test results but they can also clue you in on his practical functioning ability as well as the necessary IEP accommodations in a school environment. In a couple of my DS' WISC IV administrations, he had to rest (even nap) during the testing in order for the tester to even get responses. Anyhow, I would make sure that your DS has extended time, reduced work, and unlimited breaks (DS used to walk the halls often and even go to the nurses for brief naps) especially during his first year back in a school environment. The drop in VC appears to be the highest and I may be wrong but I think it is possible that an additional cause there might be limited academics during the years of his illness and home-schooling. At least that was the case with my DS as speculated by a couple of his testers. I know that it is suppose to be an IQ test, but two of the three VC components on WISC are vocabulary and comprehension, which are highly dependent on exposure to new words and social conventions. Even though my DS' recent IQ results are accurately low (technically in the average range except for PS), there are still flashes of brilliance on rare occasions. It is almost like he has swiss cheese brain - there are just so many holes. My best thoughts are what you already appeared to be doing - accept and meet him where he is now.

Last edited by Quantum2003; 10/08/14 11:14 AM.