Michelle, thank you for your kind words. I was really scared to check back here for some reason, but I'm glad to be welcomed. smile

I'm sorry if I came off as if I was begging for sympathy though, not that I thought you were pitying me. I'm not miserable or anything. It's kind of even difficult to remind myself that maybe I had a little more ups and downs than others. Everyone's experience and capacity is different. I think I've been lucky to have gone through strange things in life, hopefully it helps me be a better person to be able to see circumstances from different aspects. At least I try. But I don't wish the difficult times to continue, naturally!

I would not like anyone else to be feeling crazy or insecure like I am, but it does comfort me to know I am not alone. Great to hear you have a better understanding of the situation because of this forum. I'll dig around and see what everyone's saying. I see lots of people here are parents. A person I know also found out her own giftedness because her daughter was tested as gifted.