I'm not sure what they would do, but at the OT he might be given the BOT2 or similar test for motor skills. You might be given a sensory profile to fill out. If you do IQ testing through the school system, be aware that it will be in his records. I'm not sure how many people would have access to the information. I'm surprised the school system would do IQ testing, unless you are having them do a full eval for special ed. When DS was 4 we had a lot of testing done privately and the school system wanted those private records in order to write an IEP for him (at that time it was just for speech articulation). I gave them everything but the IQ results, even though they asked specifically for it, I just ignored them. DS wasn't cooperative during testing and I didn't think the scores were accurate (we had testing again a couple years later and his scores DID go up a lot, so I was glad those old scores never made it into his records). His IQ testing was covered through our insurance since they weren't testing him for giftedness and it was done in a children's hospital. A developmental pediatrician referred him to a psych for testing.