Originally Posted by Portia
Hmmm - are you no longer a SSA?

No, I’m not an SSA anymore. On July 29, I got an e-mail saying group functionality would end the next day. It also said SSAs would be replaced by parent advocates when group functionality was re-established in early fall. We were asked to respond if we wanted to keep our groups going. I replied that I would leave it up to the group members. If they wanted to continue the group, I would continue to be SSA or pass the role along to another parent in the group with a younger child since my DD was going to be starting algebra. Since SSAs had no contact information for group members, EPGY would have to contact the members of my group to find out. I never heard back from them. I haven’t seen anything about groups on the giftedandtalented.com website. Perhaps they didn’t get enough of a response to keep groups going, or perhaps they decided to stick with only individual accounts and abandoned groups altogether.

I was hoping someone on here might know whether it was still possible to have individual student settings adjusted, perhaps by contacting giftedandtalented.com. It may not be possible to adjust those settings anymore.