Hi, Jennemmy,

In our experience, customization comes through the teacher, and you definitely have to ask for it and it helps to go in with ideas. The key, we've found, as HK anticipates, is to make sure you're asking for harder (or as-hard) assignments. E.g., could your dd make up extra problems but express them in math not in sentences? (The writing thing is apparently a Common Core pathology. It drives us nuts too, but I gather this is widespread in all CC institutions, not just LSS. LSS is accredited in CA, so I'm guessing this is a CA and CC-driven curriculum.)

Hope this helps. We have found them VERY responsive to thoughtful requests for customization. We have even used different textbooks that are less wordy and more mathy. But, again, it was up to me to do the research and come up with a proposal for a higher-level program.

Teachers do vary. Some have a "stable" of alternative assignments that they may offer you, but you do have to ask.