Originally Posted by knute974
FWIW, we kept our HG with dyslexia and dysgraphia in public school but we put her in a dedicated gifted program. No, it has not always been a perfect fit. We found that the gifted teachers have more 2e training than general ed teachers. I've also been told by seasoned gt teachers that they estimate about 1/3 of their class every year is unidentified 2e. At 12, DD is pretty well compensated with her reading but writing is still a challenge. She chose to continue with a gt program for middle school. Even though it is more work for and in particular more writing, she wants to be around other gt kids.

That said the early years of elementary were truly miserable for her and for us. Maybe home school for a couple years and look at regular school again in a few years?

These are good thoughts (gifted school, HS, PS later maybe). I've looked into our gifted magnet programs and they are all minimum 45 min drive one way. I just don't think we could do that unless I were tapped out. My hope is maybe PS teaching the LD, us afterschooling for gifted talents/interests, or HS if they're not doing that.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.