In our experience, administrators and teachers are wary of parents who believe their child is gifted. I can understand that they may get inundated with "stage moms and dads" who believe their child is better than all others without any supporting evidence, so this may put the teachers and administrators on the defensive. I can also understand that with the myriad of tests, online tutorials, and workbooks, that they can't possibly feel informed about the reliability of these methods.

As such, I think they will believe ONLY what they directly experience when it comes to the kids. A test is only reliable if they select it and administer it. A child's supposed reading level is suspect until the child reads individually to the teacher. All of these things take time when they are already swimming in other children of varying abilities and discipline levels.

Our school district doesn't even have gifted programs until 3rd grade, so our DS6 doesn't have any immediate options. They know what he can do, and basically told us "good luck." So, we are home schooling. He's doing 5-6th grade math and reading at a middle school level, so the grade skip option they offer wouldn't really benefit him at all.

This is basically the long version of what Ivy posted. Sympathy.