Hi Displaced,

We are trading posts today!

We flailed around for a long time getting piecemeal evaluations that really just added to our confusion. Then we finally bit the bullet and did full neuropsych evaluation with a tester who specializes in gifted kids. The way we looked at it was that the other tests were money down the drain without anything to show for it. So when we decided to do the whole thing, we figured we'd better go to a gifted specialist, or else we'd just end up wondering if we could have gotten more useful information if we had. The full work-up really was expensive and for us, I really think it was worth it. Is there anybody near you who has this sort of practice?

FWIW - school testing was worse than useless for us. But I know that is very, very dependent on the school and the tester. So that's something you could start researching now, maybe?

Best of luck,