Originally Posted by Tallulah
The concept of giftedness only has relevance to a school aged child because it affects the pace of learning, which is why you're finding articles aimed at parents. Once you're not in a limited age-based educational setting you're just another person with a unique set of memories, experiences and brain chemistry. Your IQ becomes more benefit than problem.

I disagree (strongly). Being cognitively gifted means that your intellectual abilities are fundamentally different from almost everyone else's. Many gifted adults --- and especially those in the highly-gifted-or-greater group --- see the world in a fundamentally different way than those who aren't as intelligent. Some see nuance where others don't or can't. Some see problems where others don't. Some may even see simplicity where others see hopeless complexity. And those sensitivities that people discuss here? They don't disappear when childhood ends. And so on. This reality can make it difficult to fit in with others and it can be very isolating.