Welcome, Michael's Mom!

I share almost no information about my DC's testing with other parents, almost ever (even close friends, other than perhaps admitting in context that they are "a bit bright,"). Some of our close family know (grandparents, primarily). Generally, sharing with other parents, IMO, can only lead to discomfort, jealousy, and possibly even an attempt to take you or your kid "down a peg."

My DC know that they have attended "gifted programs," since they could read and they have signs with "gifted" in the title. We really have not talked about what that means very much, but mine are young - 9 and 6.

Remember that your son is still the same kid he was before you had the testing done, and it is just a snapshot in time or a datapoint. It should not define him, or how you feel about him (and I'm not suggesting that it does). I know this might be hard (shouldn't we have higher expectations?), but try not to let him feel any increased pressure or expectations as a result of the testing.

Best wishes! I think many of your questions can be answered here.

Last edited by Loy58; 08/28/14 02:53 PM. Reason: clarification