Thank you Zen Scanner. It is nice to know that DS6 isn't the only Mr. Know-it-all! We did discuss how people will see it as bragging. I really like what you said about the teacher knowing that he will know the easy stuff - I am definitely going to use that. Last year when I volunteered in his K class he was always shouting out answers...and I don't think just because I was there.

I try to get him to think about things himself and reach his own conclusions...hopefully he does, but he tends to clam up when I talk about stuff like this, I think because he feels badly about stuff easily, although I try to not make him feel bad.

At then end of last year he started a "club" with some of his friends in class. What concerned me was that he was quite proprietary about it. He was the only one in charge and making all the decisions. The "club" seemed to have a hiatus over the summer as he didn't see his school friends much with camp, vacations, etc.; but now he is talking about the club again. Its great that he has good ideas and takes a leadership role but I'm hoping he doesn't get labelled as the bossy, obnoxious kid.