Originally Posted by aeh
Of course, we don't really know if the first class is high-math, nor do we know if the second class is high-reading or high-both.

Correct. All we received last year was a letter from the district stating DD had qualified for high ability services in math and ELA. No description of what those services might be and very difficult to get anyone to quantify anything.

DH and I did speak to the teacher on intro night and she stated to him that the class was all high math with only 1/2 high reading.

However, as of now, it's the end of DD's second week and she just came home with her next week's newsletter and the content doesn't reflect "high ability" in anything. They will be spending a second week on rounding! DD says since the start of school nothing has seemed "high ability" at all.

I know it can take time before ability is assessed, but surely the students must have been placed in there because they had some understanding of as simple a concept as rounding that it would not require weeks of study to master!
The district knows who the high scorers are as they sent them all letters! It seems absurd.

This is my first time with any of this and while I read these forums and try to glean information, it seems so many schools are different.

Could it take awhile before we start to see results? (as in the teacher is just very slow to implement?) Is she waiting on fall MAP testing? She is a teacher with 6 years experience and has high ability training on her resume so she should be well versed in this.

DH and I have already struggled with the school system last year. I don't want to be in that position again.