Thank you, everyone! I so appreciate your comments and hearing about your experiences! I really feel like you understand EXACTLY where I am coming from - and I am grateful. I really do feel so much better to know that there are others out there going through the same thing or who have been there and understand.

I have been reading about everything advocacy/IAS/gifted education options for weeks...that's why I was surprised I didn't feel like it went well. Also, there is the daily "kid carnival" called summer (children's friends, chaos, etc.) parading through my house on any given day (and this day was no exception), and my thoughts just did not come out right. I did for a split second think of suggesting we speak at another time, but it has literally taken YEARS to even get a dialogue started with the school about DD, and the school staff seems so darn busy. Also, I usually think of myself as thinking pretty quickly on my feet, so to speak. Yes, I followed up after the call with a clarifying e-mail, but I was left with the uneasy feeling that I had no idea what the school staff was planning (some big scary meeting and why we need so many people, I have no idea) and that they thought I had some rigid list of demands (I do not). This isn't over, and for DD's sake, I hope that I did not make anything worse (and that is why THIS. IS. SO. HARD.).

Oh, and I just got back from another teacher meeting about the other child. I think I'm going to get that glass of wine now, ndw.