Oh, blackcat, your poor DD!!! How frustrating!!! That just sounds, please forgive me, like poor (or absent???) instruction. Just because a kiddo is bright, they should not be left to teach themselves - just terrible!

Yes, I think flexibility is key.

Would you believe that I have LOOKED for the local policy on acceleration - and I see NADA, ZIP, nothing.

I think its fair to say that I have what might even be an irrational fear of whole-grade acceleration (caused by my family - LOL). To be fair, by DC are both rather young for grade, so right now, they just seem like BABIES next to the kiddos a grade up! IT's not that I fear for them keeping up with the school work, it's just having them "fit in" socially without always feeling like they are the kid brother or sister that no one wants hanging around. Also, I think DH is very opposed to the idea. I wouldn't rule it out, but I also admit that reading about some of the older kiddos around here with similar LOG, a single grade acceleration is not always adequate (yes, I know - they are all different), and that leaves me feeling very unsettled about it all. I just want my DC to learn AND be happy, KWIM?