Originally Posted by Val
Yes. I remember looking for scholarship aid and being appalled at how specific it all was:

  • This award is for residents of [insert county, state]
  • This award is for people who are from [insert church/civic group]
  • This award is for [insert sex or ethnic group] who have overcome [insert specific challenge that was overcome]

Etc. etc. Really, after a while, I was expecting to see grants for people with size 5 feet and toe syndactyly (left side only), as in, The Bumelia Hallux Family Foundation has been giving back to the left-side-toe-syndactyly community since 1928. Almost everything I found was incredibly narrow (except for the toes, I guess), and HowlerKarma seems to be saying that nothing has changed.

LOL. I suppose it's a question of perspective. Personally, I don't have a problem with most narrow targeted scholarships. After all, we want people to make charitable contributions so it makes sense that they should have a right to control to whom their money goes.