Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by Portia
As I read through this, I felt sad on many levels.

We, too, struggle with how much is too much and how much is too little. Do you go with time or content? Where is hot-housing versus work ethic? It is a fine line.
Yes, but fabricating test scores as the mother did is a bright red line not to cross.
Pushing or hot housing a child is one thing (not unethical though not desirable). But, copying your neighbor's son's SAT scores and claiming them as your son's, emailing "experts" posing as your son etc are acts of a parent who is deranged and has lost perspective. I do think that this child is very gifted to be able to make so many presentations in conferences in front of so many "experts" and sound convincing enough to fool them all.
I remember Justin's story from a long time ago and never followed it up. Wondering if he is doing well now (he must be an adult by now?).