Anyone with a 14 y.o. boy found any great books lately?

Ds is an advanced reader, but goes super slow through almost any book. He whipped through his most recent favorite 'ready player one', so I am not too worried about vision, etc., but other than manga (ex: Saints/Boxers) he really seems to go very slowly through most books and sometimes stalls out entirely.
I offer things like The Hobbit, all the weird sci fi and fantasy stuff I read when I was around 12-16, but not much of it clicks for him.

things that keep his interest:
video games (older ones if possible - so Ready Player One was an ENORMOUS hit)
stuff that is funny
science presented in a cool way; he loved the Secret key to the universe books when he was 11 or 12...

anyway, books for him to ENJOY seem very thin on the ground, so any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

ps, for anyone else who enjoyed this book, "Ready Player One", and I'm among those who did...the author is coming out with another book, but man it's a ways off. smirk

Last edited by chris1234; 07/10/14 04:59 AM.