Thanks. This is a lot of information to think about. Lots of good but conflicting information. Before committing to this testing this summer I am going to talk to the psychologist & educational therapist again. I've been down this route before, with my daughter but we did the school evaluation first and only after that wasn't detailed enough did we do the private. Must be why it wasn't as expensive, the private therapist just did a few more tests but relied on the other testing the school did.

My concern is I am looking for a 2E diagnosis and this is less straightforward than traditional LD's. I am expecting that the school would give him a broader battery test that he will likely do very well on and then stop looking. (But maybe I'm doing the school a disservice here.) My son is simply under performing not failing. And then never actually running the language processing test that I think is the issue. I am suspect a stealth LD, that because the kid is so gifted has been easy to keep under the radar. And because this is a H.S. kid who has commitments in the fall, if we don't do the private testing now it will be tough to fit until January.